If you were to ask a room full of people if they're unhappy with their jobs, a little more than a third of them would most likely raise their hands. This is based on the results of the Conference Board’s Job Satisfaction survey.

That survey doesn't just include New Jersey, but the nation as a whole. And although a majority of people said they are satisfied with their current jobs overall, 37.3% said they are not.

A lot of this also stems from a recent trend that was known as the Great Resignation. More specifically, the group of people who left their jobs in search of newer opportunities only to realize they may have made a mistake.

Of course, that's not the only group that is unhappy. Some may have been at their jobs for a long time and have just grown bored or tired of it. It happens even to the best of us.

But have you ever stopped to wonder if perhaps moving to a new city might help with that journey to a brand new career? Fortunately, there are such locations across the country.

Here's a look at the top 50 cities around the Nation that are considered the best places to start a career. See if you can spot anywhere in New Jersey.

Experts Reveal the 50 Best US Cities For Starting a New Career

According to WalletHub, the best cities to launch a career were evaluated based on 26 key metrics, including the availability of entry-level jobs, average monthly starting salary, and housing affordability. For a complete look at WalletHub's methodology, see the link in the #1 city. Let's countdown the 50 Best US Cities For Starting a New Career.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

New Career / Job opportunities in New Jersey
Canva (Townsquare Illustration)

New Jersey for New Careers?

Did you happen to see where New Jersey landed on the list? One city in particular is definitely included, it just didn't make it to the top 50. In fact, the closest city in the top 50 to New Jersey listed above is Wilmington, DE.

Now, does that mean those in New Jersey need to flock to Delaware or anywhere else to start a new career? Absolutely not. But still, it's unfortunate that not a single location throughout the Garden State topped the list.

So that begs the question - Which New Jersey city made the list overall? For that, we have to head north to the home of Liberty State Park.

Liberty State Park (Sandra Grünewald via Unsplash)
Liberty State Park (Sandra Grünewald via Unsplash)

New career path in New Jersey

Jersey City has emerged as New Jersey's top city for anyone seeking to start a new career. On the national platform, here's where it ranks...

  • Overall rank - 102 in the U.S. (#1 in NJ)
  • Total score - 45.13
  • Professional opportunities rank - 156
  • Quality of life rank - 31

Yes, not in the top 50, but still not a bad score nationally. Keep in mind, that a lot of opportunities based in Jersey City may be remote or hybrid, making it easier for those thinking of making a major career change here in the Garden State.

The 99 top paying jobs in New Jersey

How much do you make? These are the occupations in New Jersey with the highest median annual compensation. Source: Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022

The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host & content contributor Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.